Getting Started as a Bucket Racer
What you need to start racing.
The best first step is to come along to an event and check it out.
While it's a bit old-fashioned these days, seeing the sport and getting to understand what is involved first hand is really helpful and can help you get started smoother as you learn from the wisdom of those really keen on the sport.
To get on the track, at a bare minimum you will need:
To know the rules
A bike to ride (obviously!)
The right safety gear
Membership with an MNZ affiliated club (we are one of many, contact us to join)
Event entry
But Wait!
We can help with all of these, if you are keen to try, get it touch and we'll see what we can do to get you on the track!
This will sound like a lot at first but once it starts to come together it's pretty easy.